Sleep well!

Restful sleep with Ayurveda

Finally being able to sleep well again! This is one of the most frequent wishes of our guests. "I used to be able to sleep like a log. Today I wake up several times a night and then I can't get back to sleep for a long time." We hear this very often. The good news: sleeping like a groundhog is possible with Ayurveda!

Good sleep is the basis for health and well-being

Sleeping well is a gift. Those who wake up in the morning feeling fresh and refreshed have a positive attitude to life and a lot of energy. Most people can still remember that it really used to be like that. Wake up, do a little lolling and off you go! But why is that no longer the case? Ayurveda has a very clear answer: because too many bad habits have accumulated. And with them, Ama, the stressful metabolic residues.
Bad habits in the sense of Ayurveda are:
  • Accumulating too much stress
  • Too little exercise
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Going to bed too late
  • Eating too much and too late in the evening
  • Eating too much protein in the evening
  • Watching too much television in the evening
Even if only a few of these points apply to you, it is enough to prevent healthy and restful sleep. Many people find it difficult to change their habits. However, those who have already studied Ayurveda know that this is a health teaching that is primarily concerned with lifestyle. It is not the external circumstances that bring us a bad night's sleep, but the habits with which we meet the external circumstances.

How much sleep do you really need?

From an Ayurvedic point of view, how much sleep a person needs depends on their dosha type.
If you have already been with us, then you already know your dosha constitution. In this blog post you can find out for yourself which dosha type you are.
Since two doshas are dominant in most people, the mixture of the two relevant indications applies.
Vata types need the most sleep. Their delicate nervous system recovers best with 8 to 9 hours of sleep.
Pitta types are naturally energetic. They get back into harmonious balance with 7 to 8 hours.
Kapha types have a sluggish metabolism. Anything that invigorates them is good for them. Therefore, 6 to 7 hours of sleep is sufficient for this dosha type.
Too much sleep makes them even more sluggish! Most people sleep far too little. Kapha people, on the other hand, often sleep too long.
From an Ayurvedic point of view, having the right amount of sleep is the basis for balance. Creating this foundation is often easier than you think.
They are habits that can be changed without much effort. And what can be more important than sleeping well?

Sleep before midnight is indeed the best

Kapha time prevails until 10 pm.
From 10 p.m. the Pitta time begins.
If you go to bed before 10 pm, you still take the pleasant heaviness of the Kapha time with you into bed.
By the way, you should use the Kapha time from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. for quiet activities so that the body can adjust to relaxation and rest.
Try out how it feels to be in bed before 10 p.m. and then spend the above recommended period of time there. Kapha types can also go to bed a little later, as the morning alarm clock allows.
They are already well rested with 6 to 7 hours of sleep. Pitta time begins at 10 p.m. and ends around 2 a.m. Just like during the day, Pitta is mainly responsible for combustion.
During the day, between 10 am and 2 pm, Pitta ensures that we can digest our main meal well. At night, at the same time, we mainly digest the mental impressions of the day.
It does no one any good if we watch a late movie during this time and accumulate even more impressions.
This severely disturbs the processing of the day's impressions. From an Ayurvedic point of view, it is particularly important for good sleep to start sleeping at 10 pm during the nighttime Pitta period.

... and in the evening like a beggar

Good sleep depends crucially on when and what you eat in the evening. One of the most important recommendations in Ayurveda is:
Do not eat anything for three hours before going to bed. Your digestive system needs at least that long to process dinner. Once digestion is complete, your body can relax and recover.
But if your stomach and then your intestines have to process another steak, possibly with a salad on top, then your body is called upon to perform at its best.
There is no longer any question of relaxation.
If you want to sleep well, a light dinner is the best basis.

5 tips for a healthy sleep

It's the small changes that will then add up to a restful night's sleep.
Take it easy and try out the following recommendations one after the other.
Start with what is easiest for you:
  • Early dinner with an easily digestible vegetable soup
  • Evening walk of about 20 minutes, without much exertion
  • Watch little television, stop working on the computer, set the brain to relax
  • Drink a calming herbal tea instead of alcohol. Alcohol prevents good sleep
  • Date milk: The night before, soak 3 to 5 dates in water. The next morning or evening, mash the soaked dates and boil them in half a litre of milk (please use only the best organic milk). Season the milk with one or more of these spices to taste: cardamom, ginger, turmeric, cloves, cinnamon or nutmeg. You can enjoy this date milk in the morning or/and evening, but not after 7 pm. And please do not drink the half litre alone! A small cup of it is sufficient.
From now on, we wish you a restful and invigorating sleep. Finally, we have an important tip: drink hot water regularly, because it purifies and cleanses.
A light, carefree body also finds it easier to sleep carefree.
Sleep well!